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Get a Customised online program & complete home gym equipment package For Just $125.

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Train now, get results.

Every athlete has been in the exact same place you're in right now.

The secret to their success? They got started on the road to consistency in order to create their own perfect training program.

Our Ethos Performance online program is the best available online program of it’s kind that is tailored exactly to you & your specific needs.

Sign up today, and you'll get instant access to our team, to book in a 1:1 discovery session where we will uncover what you need to do to optimise your training. After this session, you will walk away with a complete training program that will serve you for the rest of your career, in order to help you on your journey toward becoming the athlete you know you always could be.

Don’t let your circumstances get in the way of your athletic development. Our online programs are designed to give you the best introduction to your training, while also serving as an amazing maintenance option for when you can’t get to the gym.


Ready To reach your full potential as an athlete?

Get Started with The Ethos Performance Online Program Today and You’ll Get:

  1. A Comprehensive 1:1 Discovery Session With an Ethos Coach.

  2. A Complete Ethos Home Exercise Pack that Will Allow You To Train Any Time, Any Place, No Matter Your Circumstance.

  3. A Completely Customised online Program to suit your current needs & circumstance.

  4. Opportunity to join the Ethos Online Program Ongoing at a reduced rate.

  5. Access to our Ethos Online Community to be able to request an Ethos Program to suit your exact needs as you progress.

  6. Complete online programming suite with programs for all needs & levels. Whether you’re experiencing injury niggles or simply want to be as good as you possibly can, standards will start you off in the right way.

  7. Back-up Programs for those times when you have equipment.

  8. Weekly Q&A session with Ethos Performance Expert coaches.

  9. Ethos perks and discounts on supplements, meal prep packages and special offers with our recommended dietitian and physiotherapist team.

Band Pack & Custom Program Bundle
Sale Price: A$150.00 Original Price: A$250.00

A limited offer to our online customers to get their own custom program & band pack at a fraction of the usual cost.